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Putting the pieces together for you…

We are student insurance consultants that intermingle risk management, product development and value-added services to design all-inclusive programs for college and university student health and athletic insurance plans. What makes Specialty Insurance Solutions unique is our ability to provide meaningful consulting services in order to achieve long-term success. We believe that our expertise should not simply be evaluated on the low-price we can obtain for your institution in a single year but to continually implement strategies to put our clients in a strong position to minimize the financial impact during potential high claims years. In general, we take a 90/10 approach with our clients in that 90% of our time is focused directly on consulting and servicing our clients while 10% of our time is involved in product sales. The true measure of our company’s service is not realized by what products we can sell an institution but more what our consulting capabilities can provide to achieve a well-rounded and consistent insurance program.